Creative sewing projects using hand dyed yarn and fabric

Hi Creative Mamas! In this post I want to share with you some of my favorite sewing projects using hand dyed fabric and yarn. All these projects were created by using natural dyes on natural fibers such as cotton, silk and wool.

Natural dyeing is an exciting and experimental practice which requires you to have a lot of fun and be open to surprises!

Sometimes natural dyes don’t give us the color that we are after, but most of the times we get an even better result.

I have divided this post into 5 categories:

  • Applique projects
  • Quilting projects
  • Embroidery projects
  • Sewing projects
  • Natural dyeing projects

Applique projects using hand dyed yarn and fabric

Hand dyed fabric collage

Using Applique as a vehicle to make fabric collage is one of my favorite sewing techniques. Discover how to make a beautiful fabric collage that tells a story using hand dyed fabric scraps.

Lots of the pieces in this collage were hand dyed with the hot dyeing method and the solar dyeing method. The collage is also made out of fabric scraps. The tutorial comes with FREE fabric collage patterns to get you started.


Hand dyed fabric book cover

Check out this great way of making a fabric book cover with pockets. The cover was made using tie dyed cotton fabric with cochineal. It’s super easy to make and it’s a fantastic gift to give away to someone special. You can make the fabric book covers in different sizes. It comes with FREE Applique templates.

fabric book cover

Hand dyed fabric scraps

This adorable quiet book tutorial is also made from tie dyed fabric (the same batch as the book cover) using cochineal. The great thing about this quiet book is that it’s meant to be used as a dress up felt doll book.

The dolls are also made from fabric scraps, some of them hand dyed. For the doll’s hair bows I used hand dyed yarn using dyer’s chamomile flowers.

quiet book

Over dyed fabric

A great way to organize a girl’s hair accessories is to make your ow DIY hair clip holder. This project was made by using a combination of fabric scraps and trims. I gave them an antique and vintage look by over dyeing them. I also re purposed an old cotton napkin which I naturally dyed using logwood dye.


Quilting projects using hand dyed yarn and fabric

Vintage fabric scraps

This quilt as you go block tutorial is one of my favorites. I love it because it was made by using old fabric cotton scraps which were overdyed with tea to give a vintage look. It also helped with unifying the different colors from all the scraps.

quilt as you go

Hand dyed fabric sampler

Making a quilt in a day is impossible… unless you make this mini quilt which was literally made in one afternoon. This project is made using a combination of silks and cotton hand dyed scraps.

It’s a lovely sampler to have of all the different tones and shades of purple that you can get from natural dyes.

It’s quilted using hand dyed yarn. Some is wool yarn, some is cotton and some is silk yarn.


Hand dyed scrappy quilt

If you love the quilt as you go quilting method you will enjoy this quilt as you go block with wonky sashing. It’s made out of hand dyed silk. I collected different kinds of silk widths and textures that were left over from my dyeing trials and errors and I cut different size strips to create this block that can be used as a pillow cover.

I added an Eco printed piece of silk as the center of the log cabin patchwork block. Super fun to make. Comes with FREE Log cabin block templates.


log cabin patchwork

Embroidery projects using hand dyed yarn and fabric

Hand dyed yarn

Using your hand dyed yarn and threads in different embroidery projects is my absolute favorite! The first embroidery project that I want to share with you is a handmade embroidered tea cozy.

It was super fun to make, I use it a lot when i have friends over for a tea party and you can also make your own hand dyed wool pom poms to create an extra special effect. It’s a great gift for a special friend too 🙂

embroidered tea cozy

Hand dyed yarn and fabric baby gifts

This tutorial is fantastic when you want to make a handmade gift for a newborn baby. Made out of a hand dyed woolen blanket, hand dyed silk and yarn, this embroidered piece is something that will be remembered and treasured.

This is a great baby shower gift! It comes with a FREE Baby template pattern.

hand dyed embroidery using naturally dyed wool, silk and yarn

Sewing projects using hand dyed yarn and fabric

Upcycled fabric scraps

Another great idea for a baby gift is this DIY plushie which was made with upcycled hand dyed wool scraps.

It can be made into a mobile to hang over the cot or as an ornament for the nursery’s wall. You can combine it with hand dyed pom poms to make a super special handmade gift.

It comes with a FREE pattern and can be made by hand entirely or using a sewing machine. Up to you 🙂 This plushie was made from the same old blanket which was hand dyed using Eucalyptus dye and Bundle dyeing technique.


Make a beautiful fabric flower using hand dyed fabric scraps. This tutorial is super easy to follow. You can make lots of fabric flowers in a few minutes and it comes with a video tutorial as well 🙂

The flower was made using hand dyed wool fabric and hand dyed cotton thread with madder and logwood.

fabric flower

Natural dyeing projects using hand dyed yarn and fabric

Tie dye

The following projects are based on natural dyeing t shirts and scarves which were previously made. The emphasis in these tutorials is to create something unique through different hand dyeing techniques.

Tie dyeing is a super old and fun technique to play with. In this tutorial you will learn how to tie dye cotton t shirts using cochineal extract as a natural dye.

It comes with a FREE Printable natural dyes list for your reference.

Bundle dyeing

Gifting a hand dyed silk scarf is a great present. It’s also ageless which is why it’s my go to handmade gift whwnever I want to make something which is quick and beautiful.

Check out this easy to follow step by step tutorial on Bundle Dyeing. You will love it. It comes with a FREE Checklist to make your process so much easier!

bundle dyeing

Eco Print

You can also Eco Print a silk scarf using natural dyes. In this tutorial you will learn how to hand print leaves and flowers onto any natural fabric. these printed fabrics can be transformed into a garment, a scarf, a pillow or a tote bag.

eco print

I hope you have enjoyed these creative ways of using your hand dyed yarns and fabrics. Please let me know should you have any questions.

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hand dyed fabric and yarn

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